Hi! My name is Maria Loudbear. I’m a 17 year old senior at Parker High School. I’m very excited to be February’s student of the month. I was born in Wisconsin in 2007 but moved to Parker after 1 year. My parents are Rebecca and Richard Loudbear. I have an older sister and younger brother, I will be the second to graduate from Parker High School.
In school I’ve made an effort to participate in school activities. I'm a very active member in FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), I wrestled during my sophomore year, and I’ve also been a part of my school's concert band. My time in FBLA has been my favorite though, learning and participating in competitions with my friends has been enjoyable. I’m a very hardworking person and I pride myself on my ability to take on a challenge. I take the most advanced classes our school offers and math classes specifically are my favorite. They force me to work outside of my comfort zone.
When I’m finished with highshcool, I plan to go on to college in California. I’ll hopefully receive a degree in Aerospace Engineering from one of the state schools. I was always interested in space when I was little, so creating the devices to explore space feels like a dream come true. My ultimate goal is to lead a major project, and accomplish something big. I want to use my goals to drive me to finish college.